sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

Ésele mi Morfiiiiii

Plugo a la Providencia me provea de no ser alcanzado por el brazo silenciador del Cop Yrrait, moderno policía de un oscurantismo ancestral, y me discuto con unos fragmentos, más que nada frases, de esta novela encantadora, que lleva el título de Murphy, publicada en 1938 por el irlandés Samuel Beckett. Cuando tenga tiempo los ofreceré traducidos al chilango demótico, pa que todos puédamos ir leyendo en la micro, bien felipes y con tenis.
"For Murphy had such an irrational heart that no physician could get to the root of it. Inspected, palpated, auscultated, percussed, radiographed and cardiographed, it was all that a heart should be. Buttoned up and left to perform, it was like Petrushka in his box. One moment in such labour that it seemed on the point of seizing, the next in such ebullition that it seemed on the point of bursting. It was the meditation between these extremes that Neary called the Apmonia. When he got tired of calling it the Apmonia he called it the Isonomy. When he got sick of the sound of Isonomy he called it the Attunement. But he might call it what he liked, into Murphy's heart it would not enter. Neary could not blend the opposites in Murphy's heart."
"Of such was Neary's love for Miss Dwyer, who loved a Flight-Lieutenant Elliman, who loved a Miss Farren of Ringsakiddy, who loved a Father Fitt of Ballinclashet, who in all sincerity was bound to acknowledge a certain vocation for a Mrs West of Passage, who loved Neary.
'Love requited,' said Neary, 'is a short circuit,' a ball that gave rise to a sparkling rally."
Secondo la mia umile traduzione traditora:
"Tal era el amor de Neary por la Señorita Dwyer, que amaba a un Teniente de Vuelo Elliman, que amaba a la Señorita Farren de Ringsakiddy, que amaba a un Padre Fitt de Ballinclashet, quien siendo sinceros se sentía obligado a reconocer una cierta vocación por una Señora West de Passagge, que amaba a Neary. ‘El amor correspondido’, decía Neary, ‘es un corto circuito,’ una bola chispeante que aceptaba el reto."
"The part of him that he hated craved for Celia, the part he loved shrivelled up at the thought of her."
" 'You are not going', said Murphy.
'Before I'm kicked out', said Celia.
'But what is the good of going merely in body?', said Murphy. "
"Celia loved Murphy, Murphy loved Celia, it was a striking case of love requited."
"Me as I am. You can want what does not exist, you can´t love it."
" 'What a bust!', he cried at length, as though galvanized by this point in his reflections. 'All centre and no circumference!' "
" 'Why the black envelope', she said, 'and the different coloured letters?'
'Because Mercury', said Murphy, 'god of thieves, planet par excellence and mine, has no fixed colour.' He spread out the sheet folded in sixteen. 'And because this is blackmail.' "
"A feature of Miss Counihan's attitude to Neary had been the regularity of its alternation. Having shown herself cruel, kind, cruel and kind in turn, she could no more welcome his arrival at her hotel than green, yellow, green, is a legitimate sequence of traffic lights."
" 'Humanity is a well with two buckets', said Wyllie, 'one going down to be filled, the other coming up to be emptied.' "

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